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Check my prescription drug coverage outside Québec

As a general rule, the public plan does not cover prescription drugs purchased outside Québec. Thus, persons who obtain their drugs outside the province are not entitled to a reimbursement from us. When leaving Québec temporarily, it is wise to take out travel insurance covering prescription drugs.

Purchasing prescription drugs in advance

Before leaving Québec, persons who regularly take prescription drugs can ask their pharmacist whether they may obtain the drugs they will need during their absence.

However, when you have a prescription refilled early, you pay for your drugs as though you were purchasing them on the refill date. For example, if the refill date for your prescription occurs during the following month, you pay the deductible for the following month, just as if you were making your purchase during that month.

Exception to the rule

The public plan does cover prescription drugs purchased at certain out-of-province pharmacies near the Québec border, but only if there is no pharmacy in Québec within a 32-kilometre radius. In addition, the pharmacy must have concluded an agreement with RAMQ.

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