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Change in your love life?

Oh, love! That mysterious, inexhaustible force that can take us through the whole range of emotions, from the most positive to the most trying. Is your love life taking a new turn? You may need to take steps to change your health and prescription drug insurance coverage. Find out what you need to do depending on your situation.

New couples

Congratulations! We wish you all the best. If you are covered by health insurance, please let us know about the change.

This new situation may also have an impact on your prescription drug insurance plan. To avoid unpleasant surprises, make sure you have the right coverage. The situation differs depending on your situation:

  • If you or your spouse are covered by a private plan
  • If you and your spouse are covered by a private plan
  • If you and your spouse are covered by the public plan
  • If you and your spouse have children


Whether you are moving within Québec or elsewhere, let us know! Your address and that of your children, if applicable, must always be up to date.

Did you know that the Service québécois de changement d’adresse allows you to report your new address online to 7 ministries and agencies at the same time, including RAMQ?

You may also notify us of your new address by calling us.

Separation or divorce

Are you getting divorced or separated? You must notify us. If one of the parents has sole custody of a child, it is important to let us know. This will enable us to send the documents concerning the child to the right address.

A separation or divorce may also affect your prescription drug insurance coverage or that of your ex-spouse. If you are both covered by the public plan or by separate private plans, there will probably be no change. However, if one of you had private coverage for the other, that coverage will end after the separation or divorce.

Whatever your situation may be, make the most of Valentine’s Day to celebrate love in all its forms, be it romantic, friendly or family. It is the perfect time to show your loved ones how much they mean to you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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