Working, studying or taking up residence outside Québec: Agreements with other countries Québec has concluded social security agreements with 11 countries. You could benefit from such an agreement if you are headed for a signatory country or if you are a native of that country. In general, the agreement applies when you take up residence permanently or during a temporary stay to work, study or undergo training. However, you have to take certain steps to be covered under such an agreement. Signatory countries BelgiumDenmarkFinlandFranceGreeceLuxembourgNorwayPortugalRomaniaSerbiaSweden Purposes of health insurance agreements Allow insured persons under the Québec Health Insurance Plan to benefit from health plan in a signatory country when they settle or stay there temporarily to work, study or undergo trainingAllow insured persons under the health plan in a signatory country to benefit from the Québec Health Insurance Plan when they settle in Québec or stay here temporarily to work, study or undergo trainingAvoid having these persons being subjected to a waiting period before they become insured and eligible for covered health services (according to the conditions set out by the host country) Leaving Québec for a signatory country Private insurance before you leave We recommend that you take out private supplemental insurance before leaving Québec to cover the costs not insured by the host country Steps to take before leaving Québec Step 1 Fill out the form Demande d’attestation that is required in your situation. Select your situation to find out what documents you need to send us. Obtain other required documents if applicable. These documents are listed on the application form. The provisions of these agreements also concern, in certain cases, your spouse and the dependants accompagnying you. You must have any document in a language other than French and English translated at your cost. Temporary stay in France as a student, trainee or postdoctoral researcher You have to send us 2 documents: Demande d’attestation pour l’application du protocole d’entente Québec-France relatif à la protection sociale des élèves et étudiants et des participants à la coopération (form 3013, French only), completed and signedOther document to be provided according to your status (see the following table) StatusOther document to be providedStudent enroled in an institute of higher education in FranceAdmission letter or attestation of advance registration or attestation of enrolment, issued by the educational institution in FranceStudent participating in an exchange between institutes of higher educationAttestation d’affiliation à leur régime de sécurité sociale des participants aux échanges entre établissements d’enseignement supérieur (form SE 401-Q-106), completed and signed by the officer in charge of exchanges at your educational institution, and bearing the institution’s official sealStudent undergoing mandatory unpaid training as part of a program of studiesAttestation d’affiliation à leur régime de sécurité sociale des étudiants participant à des stages non rémunérés dans le cadre de leurs études (form SE 401-Q-104), completed and signed by the officer in charge of student internships at your educational institution, and bearing the institution’s official sealParticipant in a training and employment program of the Office franco-québécois pour la jeunesse (OFQJ)Attestation d’affiliation à leur régime de sécurité sociale des stagiaires du programme Formation et emploi (form SE 401-Q-105), completed and signed by the officer in charge of the OFQJ, and bearing the organization’s official sealRecipient of a Québec or French government scholarship managed by the Centre français pour l’accueil et les échanges internationaux (Campus France)Letter confirming that you received a scholarship from the French government or confirmation from Campus France that you are a scholarship recipientPostdoctoral researcher having received a Québec research fellowship, without any ties to or salary from an employer (a postdoctoral researcher is considered a temporary worker)Letter of invitation from an institute of higher learning and research in France and document showing that you have obtained a fellowship to pursue research in France as a postdoctoral researcher To find out more, refer to the information note corresponding to your situation: Protection santé d’un résident québécois lors d’un séjour en France pour études (French only)Protection santé d’un résident québécois lors d’un séjour en France pour stage (French Only) Temporary stay in France as a temporary worker You have to send us 2 documents: Demande d’attestation pour l’application de l’entente Québec-France (form 2719, French only), completed and signedContract or letter from your employer, confirming the duration of your employment in France To find out more, read the information note Protection santé pour un résident québécois qui travaille temporairement en France (French only) Permanent departure for France Send us the form Demande d’attestation pour l’application de l’entente Québec-France (form 2719, French only), completed and signed. Temporary stay in or permanent departure for a signatory country other than France Send us the form Application to Obtain an Attestation corresponding to your host country, completed and signed. Belgium – Demande d’attestation (French only)Denmark – Application to Obtain an AttestationFinland – Application to Obtain an AttestationGreece – Application to Obtain an Attestation. If you are a student in Greece temporarily, you must also send us your letter of full-time admission to or registration.Luxembourg – Application to Obtain an AttestationNorway – Application to Obtain an AttestationPortugal – Application to Obtain an AttestationRomania – Demande d’attestation (French only)Serbia – Application to Obtain an AttestationSweden – Application to Obtain an Attestation Temporary stay as a detached worker in a signatory country If you are a detached worker, your employer has to request a certificate of coverage confirming that you were insured by the Québec Health Insurance Plan. To obtain it, contact Retraite Québec’s Bureau des ententes de sécurité sociale. Step 2 Send us the form and the required documents Send us the completed and signed form and the required documents by mail to the address at the bottom of the form. Step 3 If your Demande d’attestation form was admissible and complete, you will receive an attestation of affiliation bearing the RAMQ seal in the mail. You will have to present this document to the social security organization of your host country. Documents to be sent to the RAMQ Select your situation to find out what documents you need to send us. The provisions of these agreements also concern, in certain cases, your spouse and the dependants accompagnying you. You must have any document in a language other than French and English translated at your cost. Other components of the agreements Social security agreements have other health insurance components, and they all include a component regarding benefits. Some contain provisions concerning industrial accidents and occupational diseases. To find out more, refer to the websites of Retraite Québec and the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail. The full texts of the social security agreements are available on the website of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie.