Inform RAMQ of a departure from Québec Procedure to follow before leaving Québec You must call us to inform us of your departure. Québec area: 418 781-2520Montréal area: 514 687-4571Throughout Québec: 1 833 203-5524Outside Québec: 1 514 687-4571 When you call, select option 4 from the telephone menu. Your coverage under the Québec Health Insurance Plan will end on the first day of the third month following your date of arrival (view an example of the calculation of this date). Between the date of your arrival and the date your coverage under the Québec Health Insurance Plan ends, you will benefit from services covered outside Québec. See also Know which services are covered outside QuébecRequest a reimbursement for services received outside QuébecCheck my prescription drug coverage outside Québec