Titre Can I be billed for supplies or medications used during a covered service? Answer Réponse Supplies and medications needed for treatment are covered only if they are used during a covered service, since they are included in the service. This includes the plaster of Paris, the basic splint, liquid nitrogen and viscosupplements. If a physician participating in the public plan plans to render a service (such as an injection) to you is entitled to ask you to obtain from a pharmacy the medications necessary for the injection. However, the physician cannot ask you to procure the products needed for the service (such as an injection kit), since it is included in the service. If you wish to have a fibreglass cast or a premium splint, you will need to pay the difference between its cost and that of their basic model. Medications used during a non-covered service, such as an aesthetic service, may be billed to you. Learn more Medical services