Class action against tobacco companies
If you need the Health Insurance Number of a tobacco victim, you must file a request for access to information for a deceased person. Find out more
If you are outside Québec when your Health Insurance Card is up for renewal, you must fill out, sign and mail your renewal notice.
Find out what services are covered when you travel outside Québec, depending on your destination and the duration of your trip.
The public plan does not cover prescription drugs purchased outside Québec. It is wise to take out travel insurance covering prescription drugs
In certain situations (such as studies, work, 7-year exception), you may be absent from Québec 183 days or more in a calendar year and still remain eligible for health insurance.
Québec has concluded agreements with certain countries, thereby making it easier to access health insurance during a temporary stay (work, studies) or a following a permanent departure.
You are not required to pay the annual premium for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan if you were outside Québec from January 1 to December 31.
Questions? Need information? Contact the RAMQ by telephone or email, go to one of its reception desks or find a service point nearest you.