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Search results

55 results found.
  • /en/citizens/moving

    RAMQ administers the public health and prescription drug insurance plans. It also remunerates health professionals.

  • /en/citizens/aid-programs/visual-aids

    This program provides for the loan of aids to eligible persons with a visual impairment as well as an amount for a guide dog.

  • /en/citizens/health-insurance/professionals-offering-covered-services

    Most health professionals participate in the public health insurance plan, but some do not and others have opted out.

  • /en/about-us/statutes-regulations

    Several statutes and regulations govern RAMQ’s activities in the management of the health insurance and prescription drug insurance plans.

  • /en/citizens/death-loved-one

    What you need to do after the death of a loved one who was covered by the health insurance and prescription drug insurance plans.

  • /en/citizens/health-insurance/history-covered-services-received

    You can obtain information on the RAMQ covered services that you received.

  • /en/citizens/health-insurance/proofs-presence-quebec

    You may be asked to provide us with documents proving that you are indeed living in Québec.

  • /en/citizens/aid-programs/external-breastforms

    The program provides for a reimbursement of the purchase or replacement cost of external breastforms for persons having undergone a mastectomy or displaying aplasia.

  • /en/citizens/health-insurance/social-security-agreements-other-countries

    Québec has concluded agreements with certain countries, thereby making it easier to access health insurance during a temporary stay or following a permanent departure.

  • /en/citizens/aid-programs/accommodation-a-public-facility

    Find out about accommodation in a public facility: eligible people, cost of services, financial contribution and payment.

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