You can request a reimbursement for health services covered by the Québec Health Insurance Plan under certain conditions.
You can apply for a reimbursement with your pharmacist for the cost of purchased medications that are usually covered.
No. Participating professionals generally provide covered services, but they may bill you certain fees: these are non-covered services....
You may apply for reimbursement if you have had to pay for normally covered costs when purchasing prescription drugs, while you were eligible for the Pu...
This form is used to apply for a reimbursement of the cost of breastforms purchased in Québec.
To find out more, refer to the page External breastforms.
Form 3198
This form is used to obtain a reimbursement of costs incurred for covered services outside Québec, but only if you don’t have private insurance.
To find out more about procedure and processing time, refer to the page Request a reimbursement for covered services.
Form 1896
The form is to be used if you consider that you were wrongfully billed for a medical, dental, optometric or pharmaceutical service (other than drugs) rendered in Québec. You have 5 years from the date of payment of services to file a request for reimbursement.
Form 4388
No. We do not reimburse fees billed by health facilities. To make a claim or file a complaint concerning a health facility, you will need to contact the...