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Refuse access to my health and personal information

You can refuse access to your health and personal information in certain situations. You can also modify or withdraw a refusal previously submitted. You can refuse in advance for information that does not yet exist or that is not yet held by an organization.

Persons to whom you may refuse access

  • My spouse or close relatives, if access is requested in a grievance process
  • My spouse, parents or children, if it concerns information relating to the cause of my death
  • A researcher, if the intended access is for the purpose of soliciting their participation in a research project
  • A researcher who is not linked to a public health and social services organization, to a public institution or to a private institution under agreement that operates a hospital centre (you can specify information or categories of research activities)

Procedure to follow

To refuse access to your information or to modify or withdraw a refusal previously submitted:

  1. Download and complete the form entitled Refusal of access to health and personal information
  2. Print and sign the form
  3. Send us the form to the following address:

    Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
    C.P. 6600, succ. Terminus
    Québec (Québec)  G1K 7T3

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