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Request a reimbursement for covered services

Care, services or goods received outside Québec

You may apply for a reimbursement of covered services outside Québec if you were eligible for health insurance on the date you received the services and if you paid the related fee. To find out which fees are reimbursable, refer to the webpage Know which services are covered outside Québec.

Time limit for submitting an application

As of the date on which the services were rendered, you have:

  • 1 year to apply for a reimbursement of professional services (medical, dental or optometric)
  • 3 years to apply for a reimbursement of hospital services

We may accept an application for reimbursement filed after the deadline if you are able to prove that it was impossible for you to act sooner.


With private insurance

If you had private insurance when you received the health care outside Québec, check with your insurer whether it may apply for a reimbursement from us directly. We have concluded agreements with several insurance companies so that they may handle the paperwork for a reimbursement. In such case, you have to give your insurer all of the requested documents.

Without private insurance

  • Print and fill out the form Application for Reimbursement – Healthcare received outside Québec
  • Attach the following to your application:
    • The originals of the detailed invoices
    • The originals of the receipts (credit or debit card payment slips or copies of both sides of the cashed cheques on which appear the name of the hospital or health professional)
    • The operation record, if you underwent major surgery
  • Mail your application to the following address:

Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
Service de l’application des programmes
C. P. 6600, succ. Terminus 
Québec (Québec)  G1K 7T3

We recommend that you keep copies of the documents you send us because we will not return them to you.

Processing time

The usual processing time is 55 working days. We will contact you if your application is incomplete. In any case, you will not receive an acknowledgement of receipt. Please call us only if the processing time is exceeded.

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