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Register for or deregister from the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan

Procedure for registering with the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan

If you are not sure whether you are eligible, refer to the page Know the eligibility conditions for the public plan.

Automatic registration

For the following persons, registration for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan is done automatically; they have nothing to do:

Please note that newborns whose parents are registered with the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan are themselves automatically registered.


You can register for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan online or by telephone. You will have to provide the following information:

  • Your health insurance number
  • The end date of your eligibility for a private plan


You can register online if you are between ages 18 and 64 and in one of the following situations:

  • Single
  • Living with a spouse (without a child)
  • Living with a spouse and one or more children (they must be biological or adoptive children of the couple)
  • Head of a single-parent family

The following persons cannot register online:

  • Separated spouses with a child or children
  • Members of a blended family
  • Students aged 18 to 25 who do not meet the definition of a child

To register online, you must have a Government Authentication Service account. If you do not have one, you can create one when you register for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.

Protection of your personal information
In order to offer you certain services, we need to collect, use, and sometimes disclose your personal information. To find out more about our privacy practices on our website, please refer to our Privacy policy webpage.

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