Denmark Valid Danish health card, obtained before you leave for Québec (for detached workers: certificate of coverage issued by the Danish National Social Insurance Office)
Finland Certificate of eligibility under Finnish social security (form SF/Q 4, FIN/Q 1 or F1/Q1), to be completed by the competent authority before you leave for Québec
France Certificate of coverage under French social security, to be completed by the competent authority before you leave for Québec
Luxembourg Certificate of eligibility for health care, to be completed by the competent authority before you leave for Québec (form LUX/QUE 3 or LUX-QUE 4)
Norway Certificate of eligibility issued by HELFO (health economics administration) or NAV (labour and welfare administration) before you leave for Québec, or the certificate of coverage under Nowegian social security (form N/Q 1 or N/Q 5), obtained before you leave for Québec
Portugal Certificate of eligibility (form POR/QUE 4), to be completed by the competent authority before you leave for Québec, or certificate of coverage under Portuguese social security