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Class action against tobacco companies

October 21, 2024 – If you are the heir of a tobacco victim who passed after November 20, 1998, you can register them without providing their Health Insurance Number. Contact one of the class action agents directly at 1-888-880-1844. For further information, we invite you to visit tobacco class actions website.

If you still want to obtain their Health Insurance Number, you must file a request for access to information for a deceased person.

Your request must contain the following information:

  • First and last names, address
  • Information that identifies you (examples: date of birth, health or social insurance number)
  • Information identifying the deceased person (full name, social insurance number, date of birth or death, parents' names)
  • Copy of the following documents, proving that you are the heir of the deceased person:
    • Death certificate or the attestation of death obtained from the Directeur de l'état civil
    • Will of the deceased person or document confirming your status if the deceased person did not leave a will (examples: marriage contract or a notarized statement, birth certificate)
    • Certificate confirming the results of the search made in the Registres des dispositions testamentaires et des mandats de la Chambre des notaires du Québec
    • Certificate confirming the results of the search made in the Registres des testaments et mandats du Barreau du Québec

We cannot process incomplete requests or resquests received by telephone.

Note that we do not hold medical records. To obtain your medical record, you have to contact the healthcare facility where you went to.

Send your request, including all the required documents, by mail or fax to:

Mélissa Plamondon
Person in Charge of Access to Documents and the Protection of Confidential Information
Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
C. P. 6600, succ. Terminus
Québec (Québec)  G1K 7T3
Fax: 418 266-3395

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