Class action against tobacco companies
If you need the Health Insurance Number of a tobacco victim, you must file a request for access to information for a deceased person. Find out more
This program provides for the loan of aids to eligible persons with a visual impairment as well as an amount for a guide dog.
The program covers the cost of purchase, replacement and repair of devices that compensate for a physical deficiency: orthoses, prostheses and other aids.
Find out about accommodation through an intermediate resource: eligible people, cost of services, financial contribution and payment.
Find out about accommodation in a public facility: eligible people, cost of services, financial contribution and payment.
This program provides for a reduction in the hourly rate of domestic help services, such as housekeeping work and meal preparation.
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The Hearing Devices Program covers the costs related to the purchase, repair and replacement of hearing aids and assistive listening devices.
The Compression Garments Program for the Treatment of Lymphedema reimburses a portion of the purchase cost of garments, accessories and bandages.