Class action against tobacco companies
If you need the Health Insurance Number of a tobacco victim, you must file a request for access to information for a deceased person. Find out more
What you need to do after the death of a loved one who was covered by the health insurance and prescription drug insurance plans.
You must still have prescription drug insurance coverage when you are unemployed or temporarily absent from work (example: illness, maternity).
Students age 18 to 25 no longer studying full time cease to be covered by their parents’ prescription drug insurance and must take out insurance for themselves.
You must check your prescription drug coverage when you no longer receive last-resort financial assistance.
Under certain conditions, your children continue benefiting from your prescription drug coverage upon turning 18 if they are full-time students.
Before leaving Québec to travel or study, or before moving abroad, check your situation with regard to health insurance and prescription drug insurance.
Find out what services are covered when you travel outside Québec, depending on your destination and the duration of your trip.